Parent Tell

Never A Young Mother

December 08, 2023 Kaila Maguire Episode 111

This episode of Parent Tell is a refreshing take on "geriatric" pregnancy (still refusing to acknowledge that term over here in the Parent Tell Camp), being present in your life, and accepting everything for what it is even if it's not exactly in your control. Kaila had the opportunity to talk with Barb Higgins, host of the podcast A Thousand Tiny Steps and new author of the book, Motherland about her experience getting pregnant and giving birth in her upper 50s. The two toddler moms discuss the power behind keeping information close to the chest, how Barb deals with strangers' comments/looks when mistaken for her child's grandma, and why we really need to take a page out of Europe's book and have activities be free for children 5 and under.

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