Parent Tell


Kaila Maguire Episode 75

This week's episode, the last one before Parent Tell takes a short break for most of the summer, is a solo episode with just Kaila! Almost a solo Babysode, if you will, Kaila airs her grievances with those who seem to look down on motherhood and think that your life is just utterly ruined and completely over when you become a parent (so NOT true). While trying not to be too ranty and ravy Kaila points out the assumptions that many in society choose to make about parents, mostly moms, when in reality harmful judgements and comments are simply projections from the person who is saying them.
Brene Brown seriously had it right when she said that we should lead with curiosity instead of judgement.

For more information about Kaila, episode topics and behind the scenes details, and of course painfully relatable memes follow Parent Tell on Instagram
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